Penesive Random Experiments

Creating a URL Shortener with Flask - Part 1

I wanted to play around with python more in terms of web application, rather than a scripting language.So i decided to create a URL shortener to understand the frameworks better. I chose flask because its a simpler framework than Django and is well supported.

Here are the steps i followed

Setting up the enviornment.

  1. Create a folder for my project

         mkdir UrlShortener
  2. I wanted to use a virtual env as it helps managing dependencies better.

     Pradheep github $ cd UrlShortener/
     Pradheep UrlShortener $ virtualenv venv
     New python executable in venv/bin/python2.7
     Also creating executable in venv/bin/python
     Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.

    Now we have all the virtual enviornment all set and ready to go.

  3. Finally i activate the virtual enviornment by using activate command as follows

     Pradheep UrlShortener $ source venv/bin/activate
     (venv)Pradheep UrlShortener $ 
  4. This project is going to use pymongo, flask so i did the following

     pip install Flask pymongo coverage
  5. We then initialize an empty git repositary using git init

         git init .

    With this we have setup all the necessary tools.

  6. I created a github repo and i pulled the repo to my local directory.

    git remote add origin
    git pull

With this the entire setup basic setup of our system is done.

Setting up Flask

  1. Create folders for application

         mkdir app app/static app/template tmp
  2. create an app/ file with the following contents

         from flask import Flask
         app = Flask(__name__)
         from app import views
  3. create a view file in app/

     from app import app
     def index():
         return "URL Shortener"
  4. Now to start the application, we create which starts our application

         from app import app
  5. The directory structure of application is as follows

     $tree  ./ -l 2
     ├── LICENSE
     ├── app
     │   ├──
     │   ├── static
     │   ├── template
     │   ├──
     │   └── views.pyc
     ├── tmp
     └── venv
  6. Now run the application using the following command

         $ python 
          * Restarting with stat
          * Debugger is active!
          * Debugger pin code: 163-315-710
  7. Go to a web browser and look up http://localhost:5000 and you will be able to will see “ URL Shortener!”

  8. Commit all changes to you have made till now to git master branch

Deploying to heroku

  1. Install heroku toolbelt if you have not already installed.

  2. Create add a remote of

         $ heroku create
         Creating enigmatic-temple-7361... done, stack is cedar-14 |
         Git remote heroku added
  3. Create a requirement.txt that helps installtion on heroku by following command

     $ pip freeze > requirements.txt
  4. Create a Procfile that helps heroku identify how to start the application

     web: python ./
  5. Now change the a bit to make it run on heroku. Heroku expects that you use the PORT enviornment variable'', port=int(os.environ['PORT']), debug=True)
  6. commit all changes and push the changes to heroku using

     git add Procfile requirments.txt
     git commit -m "add changes to Procfile, requiements.txt"
     git push heroku master

    This moves the code to heroku and start the application

  7. Now open the application using heroku open

     heroku open

You must see the same output as you have seen earlier.

With this we have completed installation of application on Flask and hosted it on heroku.

The heroku hosted site is here


I looked up this micro blog for some ideas and basic structure of the flask application. I wish i would write a full blown application like the author and i highly recommend reading the blog