Penesive Random Experiments

Creating a URL Shortener with Flask - Part 5

In part 5 of this series, i will discuss how i added login support for the url shortener. If the user has logged in we will provide him with a set of links that he created and statistics regarding all the links he created. The first step is creating the user account so we can track all the user login.

  1. As usual lets create a new branch for handling of user account

         git branch -b addLoginSupport
  2. I will be using a flask package called the flask-login that handles most of the login handling.

         pip install flask-login
  3. Lets first add the backend storage , our database model is going to be very simple to start with , we will have a ‘_id’ field which is the users email address and a ‘password’ stored in the ‘password’ field.

  4. The code for storing is going to be straight forward similar to that of the short url insertion we saw in part 1. The code is as follows

     import pymongo
     from MongodbHandler import MongoDatabaseHandler
     class user_database(object):
         def __init__(self):
             """ save the username and password """
             databaseHandler = MongoDatabaseHandler()
             self.collection = databaseHandler.get_users_collection()
         def get_password(self, username):
             """ get password from a given username """
             doc = self.collection.find_one({'_id': username}, {'_id': 0, 'password': 1})
             if doc is None:
                 return None
             return doc['password']
         def save_user(self, username, password):
             """save the username and password to the database
                 return false if trying to add the same user again
                 self.collection.insert_one({'_id': username, 'password': password})
             except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError:
                 return False
             return True
         def delete_user(self, username):
             """  delete the user given an username  """
             result = self.collection.delete_one({'_id': username})
             if result.deleted_count:
                 return True
                 return False
  5. The corresponding test coverage for the same is as follows. We as usual duct type to make sure that the database writes are to the test database

     import unittest
     import pymongo
     from user_database import user_database
     class TestUser(unittest.TestCase):
         def get_user_collection(self):
             return self.collection
         def setUp(self):
             connection = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
             self.database = connection.test
             self.collection = self.database.user
             self.user = user_database()
             # monkey patch the mongodb handler to use the test database of user
             from MongodbHandler import MongoDatabaseHandler
             MongoDatabaseHandler.get_users_collection = self.get_user_collection
         def test_insert_user(self):
             """save a valid user to the database """
             user = ''
             password = 'testpassword'
             result = self.user.save_user(user, password)
             self.assertEqual(result, True)
             # read the user from database
             doc = self.collection.find_one({'_id': user})
             self.assertEqual(doc, {'_id': user, 'password': password})
             self.collection.delete_one({'_id': user})
         def test_insert_duplicateuser(self):
             """" save the user twice and that we return a false"""
             user = 'duplicatetestuser'
             password = 'duplicatetestuserpassword'
             password2 = 'duplicatetestuserpassword2'
             result = self.user.save_user(user, password)
             result = self.user.save_user(user, password)
             self.assertEqual(result, False)
             self.collection.delete_one({'_id': user})
         def test_remove_user(self):
             user = 'removeuser'
             password = 'removeuserpassword'
             self.user.save_user(user, password)
             result = self.user.delete_user(user)
             self.assertEqual(result, True)
             doc = self.collection.find_one({'_id':user})
             self.assertEqual(doc, None)
         def test_remove_non_existing_user(self):
             user = 'dummyuser'
             result = self.user.delete_user(user)
             self.assertEqual(result, False)
         def test_get_user(self):
             user = 'myuser'
             password = 'mypassword'
             self.user.save_user(user, password)
             result = self.user.get_password(user)
             self.assertEqual(result, password)
         def test_get_user_non_existing(self):
             result = self.user.get_password('nonExistingUser')
             self.assertEqual(result, None)

6.We will add a LoginForm which will handle all our login related text boxes. The code of app/ is as follows

    from flask_wtf import Form
    from wtforms import StringField, validators, PasswordField, SubmitField
    from wtforms.validators import email, data_required

    class LoginForm(Form):

        email = StringField('email', validators = [email(), data_required()])
        password = PasswordField('Password', validators = [data_required()])
        submit = SubmitField('Login')
        register = SubmitField('register')
  1. We will add the login at the top of our index page, so i will be adding the code to a separate login.html as follows

         <form action= "{{ url_for('login') }}" method="post" >
             {{ login_form.hidden_tag() }} 
             {{ }}
             {{ login_form.password }}
             {{ login_form.submit }}
         <form action= "{{ url_for('register') }}" method="get" ></form>
             {{ login_form.register }}
  2. The next part is the using the ‘flask_login’ initialization code in app/ will initialize the login manager of flask login which we will use shortly.

         from flask import Flask
         from flask_wtf.csrf import CsrfProtect
         from flask_login import LoginManager
         app = Flask(__name__)
         login_manager = LoginManager()
         from app import views


Many of the things in this series is inspired/learnt by studying and looking into several sites.The login is inspired by the code from this blog