TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
03 Jun 2015Recently i started to learn python. For a long time, i wanted to learn a scripting language. i thought i would learn python by solving spoj problems.spoj is a site that has a set of programming problems and one can write code in any language to solve it.On solving the problem ,the solution is submitted to a spoj server and is evaluated for its correctness by running it across a set of test cases.Its good site to get used to solving programming problems.
I started writing some of the basic problems to get an idea of working with python.One thing i stumble often is dynamic typed feature of python, it could lead to subtle errors while programming. I not blaming the language but its something that people from static typed language find it a bit hard at first.In static typed language, the variables are checked at compile time their types and hence one can avoid common errors of type changes easily.
The problem i am faced was because of dynamic typing and it startled me for a second. It was fun and i wanted to kick myself when i found it.Here it goes
I was trying to solve the problem of finding the number of trailing zeros for factorial.This was a solution, to one of the spoj problem.In order to get the input, which will contain all the numbers to find the solution i ended up writing a code as below
#finding the number of zeros in factorial
# the trick is to find the number of 5 and its factors
AllInputs = []
#get the number of inputs
numberOfInputs = input()
# get all the inputs
for i in range(numberOfInputs) :
AllInputs = input()
for number in AllInputs :
# logic to handle the inputs
Now on executing the program on input i ended up getting the following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test4.py", line 13, in <module>
for number in AllInputs :
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
In the above code line 13 is accessing all the input values. I was wondering that i have already declared AllInputs
as in list in line 1. This got me confusing and on closer look at code the culprit was the below line
# get all the inputs
for i in range(numberOfInputs) :
AllInputs = input()
In the assignment section i have mistakenly converted the array into a integer and python being a dynamically typed language did not warn me of the change in type :)
The fix was of course a simple one
for i in range(numberOfInputs) :
AllInputs.append (input())
The above problem tought me more about static typed language and dynamic typed language more than i could have ever understood or learnt from book.